Thursday 26 July 2012

500 Miles done!

Well that's the peace shattered and the house back to the default condition of Lego, Star Wars figures and all sorts of other stuff left where they fell.

It was weird but with the kids away I seemed to have even less time than normal. Still the first 500 miles of the marathon run-in is complete, you will be glad to know and I had the Scooter above 50 mph for the first time on Tuesday night, magic. I am already thinking of bigger carbs and expansion kits but have settled on a sports exhaust for the moment which will be fitted next week when I'm in, hopefully sunny Machrahanish.

Here is a brilliant track which was flogged to death at Scooter Club dances in the mid to late 80s.  The Magic Touch was recorded in 1966 but lay gathering dust, unreleased until the mid 80s when it was put out by Ady Croasdell on an anniversary 100 Club single. At just over two minutes the track may be short but it is a perfectly performed dancer.

Melba Moore - The Magic Touch


Simon said...

Just as the weather turns back again. Perfect!

Swiss Adam said...

Good tune. Nice wheels too. Making me want one.

drew said...

Looks even better now the horrible mirrors are off. Just a few more tweeks, new seat, grips and sports pipe and it will be sorted.

dickvandyke said...

Wear a sensible scarf, drew. We don't need you catching a chill.

Mondo said...

My fave version is the Bobby Fuller Four take

drew said...

Have to disagree with you Mond, not that fond of that version.