Thursday 10 November 2011

Pop Perfection

Is there a more perfect pop song?

The Ronettes - Be My Baby


gareth said...

My soon-to-be wife walked down the aisle to this.
Great song, perfectly captures the thrill of romance.

Thanks for posting this on what will undoubtedly be a shite-y day at work.


adam said...


I will tell a story I've told before - I went to a colleagues funeral, and her son said this was the record he and his mum had danced to a few months before she died, when she knew she was at the end, and then they played it at the funeral and it was, indeed, just perfect.

davyh said...

There is not.

Rol said...

It'd be wrong to argue with that.

dickvandyke said...

Rocky Sharpe & The Replays, Jimmy The Hoover, Modern Romance, Berni Flint?

Only jokin' - it's The Ronettes really.


Simon said...

My only fault with this is that the drums don't sound as huge as they do in my head. So many of the people who have been influenced by this have made the drums sound MASSIVE.

It's easy to forget this song, just because I know it so well. I don't actually put it on very often.

Someone Said said...

No. For me, this is where my love for music begins.

Swiss Adam said...

I prefer the remix.

drew said...

JC - get your arse through to lanark and we can have that discussion/debate

Swiss Adam said...

Can I get a bus to Lanark?