Thursday 19 May 2011

Get A Fucking Life!

So, here I am sitting in a hotel restaurant in Nottingham and not for the first time cursing the fact that I did not pay attention while I packed my bag. Not only has the T-shirt I packed got a couple of marks on it ( fact: washing clothes at 30 degrees does not get rid of stains no matter what Unilever tell you, in reality stains appear that weren't there before) but also I have forgotten to pack my book, the essential piece of kit for the anti-social single business traveller.  Nothing says,  "I am not in the slightest bit interested in striking up a conversation" more than a thick book and the one I'm reading at the moment is a belter, A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away by Christopher Brookemyre.

So it is either look like a total jobsworth and read a study protocol while waiting for dinner or just sit here and soak up the atmosphere and as I may be being made redundant next week there is no way I am expending more of my time on work tasks than is totally necessary so I sit here and absorb the surroundings.

Behind me is a group of what I take to be sales reps all trying to out do each other and the words of Colonel Kilgore pop into my mind " You hear that, you hear that son, BULLSHIT, nothing else in the world sounds like that". Christ, do these guys actually think that the other clowns are listening let alone believing  this pish? The four Yorkshire men don't come close.

So I turn my attention elsewhere. Across from me sit a trendy couple in their early twenties who are each staring intently not into each others eyes but into their smartphones, thumbs going ten to the dozen. As I sit here watching this I wonder if they are texting each other but after a few minutes the guy raises his head says something and then shoves his phone in the girl's face and they both snigger and then go back to their handsets. The sharing of screens and sniggering continues until I get bored and again scan the room.

What I find is at least five other single sad sacks sitting fiddling with phones either trying to give off the impression that they are important or to stave off the boredom and the feeling of utter loneliness that spending a mid week night in a hotel in the heart of the Midlands really means.

My steak frites eventually arrives, my interest in my surroundings subsides and I get on with the job in hand, order another beer and try to forget where I am.

Tami Terrell - Lone, Lonely Town


davyh said...

That other guy, on his own, the one that was staring for a bit? Suddenly he's tapping madly at his laptop, then he looks up now and then.

Oh God, he's like, a BLOGGER. And into indie music and so on, I bet. Or some perv, it wouldn't be the first time.

No, scrub that, actually, he looks a bit lost, like he's a long way from home and forgot his big chunky novel, or something?

I'm texting my friend Shazza, LOL; he's just her type! 'There's this guy...'

I show Mark, and he laughs.

Oh God, he's ordered steak! Cliché!


davyh said...

I am impressed you can blog, and upload music, from a hotel bar. For a man without a personal mobile you are way ahead of me in this regard.

Say Hi to Nottingham for me, it's been a while. I think there's a 80s Disco Bar down the road, if you fancy it.

drew said...

I knew I shouldn't have left it in the present tense. It was last night and I typed it on the work laptop when I went back to my room. Couldn't up load it until I got home tonight as no access to the tunes.

I also have to confess that a month ago I succumbed and got a personal mobile which has sat in the bottom of my bag ever since andI have yet to make a call with it.

I am beginning to worry about DVD we have had no musings from the shed for some time.

davyh said...

Same here - I sent him a Direct Message on Twitter last night: he replied...

"Dearest Davy. Am still kickin'. Death within the family - so am wrestling crocodiles. Will pop in soon" .

drew said...

So Twitter does have it's uses. Thanks Davy.

Anonymous said...

Your time wasn't wasted if it produced this apposite piece of socal commentary.

swiss adam said...

Great post Drew- long may lonely evenings in souless hotels inspire your rage.

adam said...

I have a morbid fear of forgetting to take a book with me, that alone put me in a cold sweat.

dickvandyke said...

Post of the week, dear Drew - albeit I aint really read any others. I don't really need to; I have experience of these things.

drew said...

Good to have you back Dickie. Hope things haven't been too shit.

Adam - I usually pack 2 just in case.