Friday 31 January 2020

It's Friday . . . I'm Not In The Mood To Dance

All I've got to say today is FUCK David Cameron!

Still,  blue passports, eh.


Taken today, got to love Glasgow.

William Orbit - Adagio for Strings


Jake Sniper said...

Utterly depressing, I'm going to try and ignore it, with the aid of music & alcohol.

Charity Chic said...

Sounds like a plan Jake

FurryBootsCityBoy said...

Will be trying to avoid the "celebrations" by not watching any news or related programmes. The thought of Farage or Francois' grinning mugs is enough to send me postal.

Swiss Adam said...

Never in the field of British politics have so many people displayed such wilful ignorance and small mindedness. Fuck Brexit.

Rol said...


Brian said...

Somber Friday. I did like both of these photos immensely, however. Best of luck against the Rovers. Don't let things get to heated with our pal, JC.

The Swede said...

I'm following Jake Sniper's lead.