Wednesday 14 February 2018

Psychic Lemon

I stumbled across Psychic Lemon a couple of months ago. With a name like that you're bound to be curious aren't you,  a lot more so than if they were named Cabbage anyway. And I was not disappointed long instrumental space rock wig outs, the kind of thing that really floats my boat at the moment. So I took the plunge and ordered their second album, Frequency. Rhythm.  Distortion.  Delay.  on purple splatter vinyl and it has had a fair bit of turntable time and yesterday I had it on on the Ipod while checking site files and it sounded absolutely glorious through the headphones. The album can be purchased here along with the first one on either cd or download which although not quite as good as FRDD it is worth a fiver of anybody's money.


The Swede said...

'......long instrumental space rock wig outs' you say? Count me in.
(BTW, you haven't attached a destination link to 'here').

drew said...

Sorted Swede

JC said...

"long instrumental space rock wig outs"

Mogwaiesque?? (Now there's a word sure to make the next edition of the Oxford English Dictionary)

Swiss Adam said...

I'm into this as well. Ta v much.

bluebetty44 said...

nice find, liking it a lot ....... thanks