Monday 31 October 2016

Happy Birthday, Son

Max reaches his teenage years today. He has been as moody and petulant as your typical teenager for a couple of years now. but anyway now it's confirmed. I remember his birth like yesterday and can taste the JPS that I chain smoked for the last few of the twenty two hours that L was in labour. It was apt that he was born on Halloween, as he scared the shit out of us then by refusing to appear and L having to have an emergency section and has been scaring the shite out of us regularly ever since. Happy birthday son. Here is one of the tunes that he likes at the moment.

N.W.A - Express Yourself

and I nearly forgot, the obligatory Halloween tune. My second favourite track entitled Haunted. Oh bugger it here's both.

Shane MacGowan and the Popes - Haunted

Azie Mortimer - Haunted


The Swede said...

Any friend of Tigger is a friend of mine. Happy birthday Max.

Walter said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Max

Swiss Adam said...

Happy birthday Max.

Jake Sniper said...

Happy Birthday Max,hope you had fun.