Friday 16 September 2016

It's Friday . . . Let's Dance

I  have been pretty busy this week and as usual hadn't given much thought to Friday's tune. Last night I was flicking through the 12" box that contains the 100 or so full size pieces of vinyl that would be grabbed in case of an emergency and tucked in there with the likes of Fallen by Dove, Someday by CC Rogers and William, It's Really Nothing was Beat Dis by Bomb The Bass. Which got me thinking "did this really deserve to be in the box? So I pulled it out and played it. Of course it did. twenty nine years later it still sounds great, not dated and it also brought back a flood of memories. This is one of the records that switched me on to electronic music and away from thrashy, shambolic guitar bands. Also without this record it is arguable that "the stupid yellow circular face now known simply as a smiley" may not have taken on the cultural significance that it did in the late 80s.

This week the Diamonds take on East Fife at the Excelsior tomorrow, the first home game in three weeks and only my second of the season.

Have a good weekend people.

Bomb The Bass - Beat Dis


Jake Sniper said...

Another great choice Drew, I've been listening to various Bomb The Bass tracks, this being a favourite which led to digging out the Justin Warfield album My Field Trip To Planet 9

Swiss Adam said...

Just listened to this all the through for the first time in ages- it is everything you say it is

JC said...

Did you spot that the Excelsior is hosting a top gig next summer? One that I think, as a Diamonds fan, you should be supporting and taking along all the family!

Good luck against one of our Fife neebors for who we have no love. I'll off down to Dumfries.

drew said...

Terrible game yesterday JC no spark or imagination and the defence is shocking. I will not be attending Elton John's gig at the Excelsior no.

JC said...
