Sunday, 20 September 2009

Sunday Song

Found this track while cleaning up my itunes after an unsuccessful attempt to load up the latest version last week. I tried the solutions suggested on the website on how to recover your music library but to no avail which meant that I have had to load the whole library again, all 24 600 odd tracks, manually go through them and uncheck the ones I don't want transferred to the iPod, L's Killers, Crowded House etc. To make matters worse I will need to restore all my playlists before I can sync the iPod. Which means instead of just taking the indispensable piece of white kit on my travels I will also need to take all the recent cds I've acquired over the last couple of weeks.

Sunday Song totally suits the way I will be feeling today, as I will have to pack a bag for a week away in Birmingham with work. The most I've been away before with work has been 3 days and although one or two nights away are quite common I am not looking forward to 5 nights away from L and the boys.

So this afternoon I will be driving down to Birmingham not at all happy to be away from home for an entire week of long days and stress.

I've managed to do a post for mid week and Friday but they aren't that good as I tend to write this rubbish on the hoof with not a lot of fore thought as some of you have probably guessed by now.

Normal service will resume next Saturday.

Correct track now linked

The Icicles - Sunday Song

1 comment:

davyh said...

Traumas all round! Head down kiddo and aim for Friday - that Tanqueray'll be sweeter than ever this weekend, for sure.