Back to the celebrations of all thing Boys Own and a 12" single I picked up a few weeks back in Oxfam Music on Byres Road for the princely sum of £1. I didn't buy this at the time for reasons that will become apparent from the remainder of the post.
The Farm were a huge influence on Boys Own in that it was their Fanzine "The End" which inspired the Boys Own team to begin with. Their first release, a slow shuffling cover of Stepping Stone which was remixed by Terry Farley was something of an anthem round my house at the time. So you can imagine my disappointment in the follow up, Groovy Train, it just didn't do anything for me. It seemed rather lightweight, somehow in relation to its predecessor, maybe a bit too poppy. I don't know, I just never warmed to the track, it's ubiquity later on did even less to endear it to me.
When I saw the 12" single in Oxfam a few weeks back I was in two minds whether to purchase it, i was slightly curious as I couldn't recall ever hearing a remix by Terry Farley or being aware that I was listening to a Boys Own mix. I decided in the end that it was worth the punt as it was only a quid. I must have listened to it about 10 times since buying it and honestly, I still can't warm to the track.
Also included is the Rocky & Diesel mix which I do quite like. Rocky and Diesel went on to form X-Press 2 more on whom later this week.
See what you think.
The Farm - Groovy Train (Farley mix)
The Farm - Groovy Train (Rocky & Diesel mix)
BTW - was discussing this series of posts with a few friends yesterday when one turned round and asked when I started liking Boyzone. I just looked at her and eventually the penny dropped .Sometimes I despair of people in their early thirties.
Yer man Ronan's a nice fella though.
I never got on the Groovy Train either, despite the fact that Harry Cross from Brookside was in the vid.
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