What do you get if you ask one of the originators of Detroit techno and the leading light of Berlin's dub techno scene to collaborate on recomposing their pick of the Deutsche Grammophon huge back catalogue?
One of the most innovative albums that I think I have ever heard.
Carl Craig and Moritz Von Oswald finally settled on Ravel's "Bolero" and "Rhapsodie Espagnola" and Modest Mussorgsky's "Bilder einer Ausstellung". No I didn't have a clue who Mussorgsky was either. The result is something which is quite wonderful and extremely hypnotic in sections. The album is listed as 6 movements, although not knowing the source material apart from Bolero, I couldn't tell you which is a re composition of which.
A couple of weeks ago while perusing Boomkat's on line store I saw a remix twelve of a couple of movements from this album. My interest was initially tweaked by the fact that Ricardo Villalobos was remixing one of the tracks. I am quite into his extremely sparse, repetitive, minimalist sound at the moment. So I decided to give the single a punt. However the Villalobos mix is no where near as good as Carl Craig's own remix of his original re composition!.
In my strangest dreams I never thought that I would ever be posting anything from Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft on this blog. It is, however a belter of a track, not the sort of endorsement you will find on the average DGG sleeve or review I bet.
Carl Craig - Movement 8 (c2 version)
Thanks for this. Heard about it and always curious as to how it had come out.
BTW, you probably have heard of Mussorgsky's "Pictures At An Exhibition" as it is regularly used in films/TV. A rather fine piece of music.
I picked up the double album a while ago and it's a beautiful piece of music. Cheers for this remix!
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