Thursday 11 February 2016

Nothing To Say Really

Last night I saw Greg Dulli at King Tut's and he just didn't really do it for me for a change. I think that one or two from his cannon of work done in a stripped back stylee is enough for me but over a whole performance it failed to hold my attention.

Here's one of my favourite tracks from a band that it's high time toured again. This recording is from an album recorded at the Captain's Rest which was an extremely intimate venue which held a hundred or so bodies. I saw Frightened Rabbit on their return there seven years ago on a Tuesday afternoon at the end of March. Apart from the excellent Frightened Rabbit gig what makes that day even more memorable as that evening I also saw Airborne Toxic Event at the QMU who were equally as excellent.

Frightened Rabbit - My Backwards Walk (live Captain's Rest 30 July 2008)


The Swede said...

I thought Greg Dulli was doing Afghan Whigs full time again now, I had no idea that he was touring on his own again. Never did see the Whigs unfortunately, though it sounds like I'm not missing much with these solo dates.

drew said...

Swede - I have seen Mr Dulli quite a few times over the years as a Gutter Twin, An Afghan Whig and a Twilight Singer and he has always been excellent, especially last year's reunited Afghan Whigs but I just wasn't feeling it last night.

JC said...

Jayzuz Drew.....I mind meeting you that night at the QMU and commenting on how lucky you were to do two great gigs in one day. But nearly 8 years ago????? Scary stuff....

I think we'll see F'Rabbit back here before the end of the year. But I do miss them playing the smaller venues in front of less'rwody' crowds. That's what made the Berlin gig I caught by total chance in 2013 so enjoyable.

Phil Cooper said...

Love Frightened Rabbit, great to hear this live version.