Wednesday 12 December 2012

Could this be the biggest waste of time and effort ever.?

This morning I will be getting the stupid o'clock flight down to Luton for an interview for a job that I have had no time to prepare for and have less than zero chance of getting.

Still, be nice to be in Luton again!

Here is a song that came on the iPod yesterday on the road down from Aberdeen which just synched perfectly with the cold clear evening.

New Order - Your Silent Face


dickvandyke said...

Sounds like the tactics of an unhappy bunny.
Scraping the windscreen at dawn - and that's just the pilot. With a bit of luck, the Luton flight will be hijacked and you'll be in Cuba by lunchtime?

davyh said...

Si, dos cervesas y viva la revolucion

davyh said...

PS: The glory of 'Power, Corruption & Lies' really is undimmed by the years.

Dirk said...

In order to cheer you up, Drew, here's the A-Side of that Joe Lama single you had on a few weeks ago (I can't be arsed to scroll down to the original post to comment at the right place, sorry). Not even halfway as brilliant as the B-Side in my humble opinion. You can't download it, but listen to it at least ...:

Swiss Adam said...

This may be NO's finest moment

Dirk said...

No way, SA, as their finest moment is 'Lonesome Tonight': no question about that!

drew said...

Cheers for that Dirk.

No SA got to be Bizarre Love Triangle