Monday 21 September 2020

Monday's Long Song

 Today's track could also be included in what would be a rather long series entitled something like 'The Tunes That The Guv'nor Introduced Us To". I,  like many acolytes who worshipped at the Temple of Gnostic Sonics have seen our knowledge of music increase hugely and our record collections take up more room much to the consternation of our better halves and the detriment of our bank balances from listening to Andrew Weatherall's monthly 'Music's Not For Everyone' radio show. 

Jagged Mountain Melts At Dawn by Prana Crafter is one side of a split album Symbiose, the other side being an equally long track by Tarotplane. I had never heard of Prana Crafter prior to hearing this track on Andrew's penultimate show on NTS radio and therefore know nothing about him apart from this blurb from his Bandcamp page "Prana Crafter is William Sol, a musical mystic who blends the raw energies of nature with guitars, synthesisers, singing bowls, and a dose of flow-consciousness. The resulting sonic nectar flows out from the amplifier, cascading in the mind of the listener, splashing mantras against the listener's third ear" Don't let that bollocks put you off, this is possibly one of the best things to listen to to start the week or equally end the week as I did last night.

Prana Crafter - Jagged Mountain Melts at Dawn 


Swiss Adam said...

Very good. And very long.

The Swede said...

Fantastic tune. Tunes The Guv'nor Introduced Us To is a series waiting to happen.