Monday 7 November 2016

I Got To Find Me Somebody

We're in girl group territory, one of my favourite genres if you hadn't already sussed that out, with today's bit of soul. Another record that I know very little about, aren't they all. I do know that the Vel-Vets were a trio from L.A who cut this tune for 20th Century Fox Records in 1967. If that intro doesn't get you off your seat nothing will.

The Vel-Vets - I Got To Find Me Somebody 


C said...

This is the best start to a Monday morning, thanks! Love those "whoo"s all the way through it, which seem to get more excited the more the song goes on.

George said...


drew said...

C- It is rather uplifting isn't it.

drew said...

George - this narrowly missed inclusion in my top 50 northern run down