Tuesday 6 January 2015


I've not really got a lot to say at the moment, I'm totally fed up! As I'm typing this I've been back at work for a day and already I'm wishing it was the weekend. I'm not quite sure when I stopped enjoying the daily grind but I am over this working for a living lark. I know that I should be glad that I have gainful employment but it really doesn't feel that way at the moment.

Frightened Rabbit (with Archie Fisher) - The Work 


chocolategirl64 said...

it's a lucky person who has a job they enjoy:
and a rarity!
think of work as the thing you have to do, to enable the things you want to do:
makes those moments deserved don't you think?

drew said...

Wise words Choco and HNY to you too.

The Swede said...

Good advice from chocolategirl64 and a mighty tune too.

Scott said...

Sage words from chocolategirl64, hope things improve on the work front Drew.