Wednesday 29 October 2014

What a Revelation !

I had pre-ordered Complete Surrender the third album by Slow Club ages ago pretty much immediately after I learned of it's upcoming release. I had really enjoyed the previous two albums and singles. When the album arrived mid July I put it in the pile below the stereo but I must admit that I wasn't dying to put it on, so as the weeks passed I duly forgot about it as new releases by Comet Gain, Jamie T and Aphex Twin vied for time on the turntable with the slow burner that was Roddy Frame's latest album.

A few weeks ago I decided to give it an airing and after listening to the first song I had to go back to the turntable and check that I had put on the correct album.  After that I decided that this album was going to require my full attention and once it was finished I was totally,  fucking gobsmacked. I really couldn't get my head round the fact that what I had just listened to was by the same duo that recorded Trophy Room. Where had Rebecca found this astonishingly full voice! The whole sound was totally different, there was a distinct lack of "tweeness".  The album has a moodiness and melancholy that was hinted at previously on Paradise but not as fully formed as on this disc. This doesn't mean that the album is a complete downer, there are enough hooks and upbeat moments to keep you happy, the Motown and Stax influences on the record are quite prominent but the sound doesn't feel contrived or forced.

The record has been played over and over since then and there seems to be  little evidence of me getting sick of it. This pair have made an absolutely outstanding album that deserves to be heard everywhere and be held up as an example of how to make proper pop music without selling your soul to the man,

I am not going to post any tracks for download, if you like what you hear on the Youtube clip below I can guarantee that you will love the album. If you are yet to be convinced check out Pieces or Complete Surrender.


george said...

Drew, I might just have to buy this, that track sounds great.

drew said...

it's not even the best thing on the album George. Well worth the money.

Kippers said...

Blimey, yes, they are sounding very accomplished now. Big thumbs-up from me too.

Scott said...

I just bought this album a couple of days ago on a shopping trip to Fopp and already it is vying for the top spot in 2014. Her voice has really matured and the songwriting is terrific. Can't believe it is the same band.

george said...

Just this very minute bought the album. On your's and Scott's recommendation.

Scott said...

You will not be disappointed George, it really is a great album.

drew said...

Well George?