Sunday 11 September 2011

Orange Sky

Here's is something nice and mellow for a Sunday. I have posted this before and have no apolgies for posting it again as it is a rather beautiful piece of music.

The first time I heard Orange Sky was nearly nine years ago when life was much simpler, no kids and a job that didn't involve shit loads of travelling. To beat the boredom of working in an office all day I found KEXP on the net and would spent most of the day listening to the station and picking up on songs and artists I had never heard of before. My favourite show was and still is, on the very few occasions I get to hear it,  Jon In The Morning but which starts at 2 pm over here. Until 6 music came along, no other station had a playlist nearly as diverse as KEXP and you would here thing like the Pixies and the Jesus In The Mary Chain at 8 am/2pm.

After hearing Orange Sky for the first time, I couldn't wait for the next day so I could play the show back and hear the song again and subsequently played the track to death. It was about 6 months later that I managed to source the 4 Songs ep that the track was from and I don't think that a fortnight has passed in the eight years since when I have not played this track.

Alexi Murdoch - Orange Sky

1 comment:

davyh said...

Much played here too. First heard it thanks to Howard over at Lonesome Music. Ins pired me to give the album a listen, but as I find often happens I didn't like anything else on it nearly as much.