Thursday 23 April 2020

Cinquante et un


Fine Young Cannibals - Not The Man I Used to Be 


The Swede said...

Many happy returns of the day Drew! I'll go with the same question that my old Nan asked me on April 16th every year when I was a kid, even before even wishing me a happy birthday - ' you feel any older?'

Swiss Adam said...

Happy birthday Drew. Have a good one, if possible under the circumstances

Charity Chic said...

Time waits for no man
Happy birthday youth
As Adam says have a good one despite everything

Walter said...

Happy birthday Drew. As the others said. Have a good one in days like These.

Coke said...

Happy birthday amigo all the best mate

FurryBootsCityBoy said...

Happy Birthday to you, Drew.

Rol said...

Belated birthday greetings. I'm always a day late to every party.

Luca said...

Buon compleanno (sorry I'm late).