Wednesday 31 October 2018

Happy Birthday Boy

Max turned fifteen today! I said to him this morning, "this time next year you will be able to vote in Scottish elections" to which he responded "this time next year I can leave school" and argument I decided that was best left for another day, one that I think will include a lot of raised voices and no mutually agreed outcome. The joys!

I was going to post something that Max is listening to at the moment but it's all absolute pish. Sadly the early promise has disappeared maybe Stiff's right and he burnt himself out on good music before he was twelve. So in honour of Halloween here is a track from the first and my favourite Dream Syndicate album, The Days Of Wine And Roses.

The Dream Syndicate - Halloween


The Swede said...

Happy birthday Max - your Dad has posted a most excellent piece of music to mark the day!

Bernard Ryan said...
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Dirk said...

I only listen to this tune once a year, so today I don't have to search for the Vinyl: thanks mate!

And Max: happy birthday!

Walter said...

Happy birthday Max and thanks for bringing back this song to my Attention.

Brian said...

Happy birthday, Max! Now listen to your old man. I'm sure it doesn't seem like it, you are 15 after all, but he knows more than you do.

What's going to happen to our records if our kids don't like them? A thought that sends shivers down my spine on this Halloween.

Swiss Adam said...

Happy birthday Max. Great tune too.

acidted said...

Happy belated birthday Max