Today we reach the end of the tracklisting to a Short Film About Chilling, after today if you have downloaded all the tracks in this series you will have 18 of the 19 tracks featured in the programme, the only one missing being Foreign Affair by J.T. and the Big Family which I don't own as it's the only one which really didn't appeal to me. The final track is one that most people who read this blog will own and those that don't will almost certainly have heard. Come Together was the second single released by Primal Scream after their E epiphany. I remember waiting for this to be released for what seemed to be months and months and when I eventually got my hands on it from 23rd Precinct it totally floored me, I think even more so than Loaded it was just so different from anything else around, totally unique and it seemed to get better and better the longer it went on. Another long Weatherall mix that you just wished went on for another 10 minutes. And then you flipped it over and an equally as got although very different mix greeted you . I still, twenty five years later cannot make up my mind which I prefer. I love the Elvis In Memphis guitar, the piano and even Bobby G's singing in the Farley version and the Andie MacDowell sample at the end sums it up perfectly "That's Beautiful, that's really beautiful". It's the Weatherall original that's used in the Chanel 4 documentary, however there was a further remix 12" released with mixes from Hypnotone and BBG and I'm going to post the BBG one, as most will have the Weatherall and Farley versions also the Hypnotone mix has featured over at the Bagging Area and it seems to be the BBG mix that gets the least attention but is also very, very good.
No football this weekend so I will be catching up with listening to my latest purchases and thinking about compiling end of year lists.
Have a good weekend people.
Good series Drew well done. This mix is good but...
Swiss Adam
still incredible. first heard it in boston in 1990 working as a security guard on a night shift. i was living away from home for 1st time and came over all emotional. missing family/girlfriend/club scene. a very deep time for sure. what music
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