Saturday 1 November 2014

Happy Anniversary Doll!

Today is mine and L's wedding anniversary. Seventeen years ago we made it all legal and have been taking "the crunchy with the smooth" ever since. There should be some sort of long service award for putting up with my moods and irrational behaviour! Apparently you are supposed to give something made of carnelian, no me neither.

Ruby Andrews - Just Loving You


Swiss Adam said...

Happy anniversary lovebirds

Erik Bartlam said...

Congratulations... L should get a button with your picture on it at least...for endurance.

And belated happy Birthday for the youngin'.

george said...

Drew, congratulations. Sounds like your partner is as forgiving and tolerant as mine. Irrationality and moodiness? Is that all she has to put up with??

The Swede said...

Happy anniversary.

Dirk said...

Happy anniversary, Drew! Here in Germany we have a phrase about the one wearing the trousers being the one that rules ... but as apparently and oddly enough the both of you seem to fancy skirts I better shut up ...

drew said...

Thanks guys.

Not really she's got a list as long as her arm George!