Friday 8 November 2013

It's Friday . . . Let's Dance

Not had any time to think of today's post. I think myself lucky to be alive today after the worst flight and no exaggeration,  I have ever had back from Belfast last night, it was easily the scariest twenty five minutes of my life. When the plane thumped down on the runway there was a huge collective sigh of relief from most of the passengers and the guy next to me exclaimed "thank god , I thought we were goners". I am not a religious man but I did find myself praying to the big man at the time, hypocrite I know.

So due to that and also the fact that Max has now found Fatboy Slim here is a rather stripped down remix of Praise You.

Have a good weekend people. I will mostly be relaxing and contemplating the pros and cons of air travel.

Fatboy Slim - Praise You (Riva Starr mix)


davyh said...

More people die in their beds, soft lad

drew said...

Not all in the same bed at the same time Davy.

davyh said...

Fair point

dickvandyke said...

Jings crivvens etc. That sounds feckin awful. You're not one for exaggerating old lad, so I suspect you pood your tartan pants.

Praise airframes technicians more like.

Swiss Adam said...

Go to the pub. Not many people die in the pub. Fact.

dickvandyke said...

'Not many people die in the pub. Fact'.

*Unless its the Rovers Return, Queen Vic and Woolpack where no less than 63 tragedies have occurred.

Oh ... And that turn from Castleford ... RockaBobby Big Bollocks & The Churlish. They went out on their arses a few times.

Swiss Adam said...

Not real pubs though are they. Eh? No one swears in them for starters.

drew said...

Cheers Drew I may have to take you up on it next time!