Thursday 4 December 2014

Living For The Weekend

Following on from yesterday's post today we have a cover of a Hard-Fi song that was missing from my original copy of the first album. I must admit when I had heard that the Sugababes had covered Living For The Weekend I was slightly bemused when Lynn told me she had heard it on the radio, I also took with a pinch of salt her verdict that it "was really quite good" until a few days later when it surfaced on Hype Machine. But, shock horror, it is quite good. I have no idea of which incarnation of the band were responsible for the cover but I doff my cap to them.

Sugababes - Living For The Weekend


Simon said...

Heidi Sugababe in the video for Push The Button that's all I'm saying.

drew said...

Push The Button is a great song. I have just reacquainted myself with the video and I see where you are coming from Si.

Anonymous said...

it's awful

Dirk said...

I suppose Heidi is the blonde goddess. If so, you're absolutely right Simon & SA!

Charity Chic said...

I'm in no rush to check out the music but the video is high up my must do list