I was standing in the queue in Morrisons last night thinking to myself what the hell is worse than standing in the supermarket on a bloody miserable Monday night. When I did think about it, standing in a queue in a supermarket is quite low down on the shitty things that are happening right now. Don't worry this isn't going to turn into one of those hey let's all hug and be thankful for what we've got posts, not really my scene. It got me thinking about the track posted below and how it just should not work but does beautifully.
The story goes that one day a woman walked into One Little Indian's office and demands a deal to release her new single. The label owner, as you would, asks to hear it. The woman however does not have a demo tape but proceeds to read out her "Imperfect list" in a monotone Liverpudlian accent. Derek Birket is so moved by the words that he offers her a modest advance to make the record a reality.
She returns some time later with the finished product and along the way has managed to get Pete Wylie and Robin Guthrie involved and an agreement from one Andy Weatherall to remix the track.
On the cd, subtly subtitled Rimming Elvis The Andy Weatherall Way, their are 4 mixes of the list, the one I'm posting is #3. This has got to be one of the strangest records that I own but I have never grown sick of it and the impact of the list has not been diluted by the number of plays, however the relevance of some of the list will be lost on people who didn't grow up in the 80s and early nineties.
If I were to commit my list to cd I fear it may have to be a double disc job.
Big Hard Excellent Fish - Imperfect List (3)
Link should now be sorted, sorry about that.
Afraid the track's one of those protected files again...
Sorry Simon,
will try to rectify it, don't know why this is happening.
All things Wylie are never easy...lol...but always worth the wait! And with the Great (drinker) Josie Jones gently spitting out her list it is just "perfect."
I've got the original 12" of this too - Pete Wylie and Robyn Guthrie were the two other forces that also helped make this so memorable. Morrissey also helped resurrect it as his entrance music on the You Are The Quarry tour. Sheer, utter brilliance!
Cheers Drew for a great blast (as always!)
Ah so that's what that is. I remember this track, never bothered chasing it up to see who it was. There were several tunes around this time that were lists over loops.
Nice tune!
I heard somewhere that Morrissey used it as his intro music a few years ago but having never seen him live don't know if it's true.
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