Sunday 8 February 2009

Sunday Morning

It has been quite a few years since I have been in the position of the protagonists in the 2 songs posted below, thank god!

We've all been there, coming to and trying to open your eyes only to find that the lids seem to have been superglued together and with a head that feels like somebody has split it in two with an axe. When you eventually prise the lids apart and in soft focus scan the surroundings, you realize that you are a) not alone in your bed or b) not even in your bedroom. Furthermore you have no recollection of the previous evening's festivities and no idea who the person is who is either lying still asleep or looking at you waiting for an acknowledgement.

All you want is a bottle of Irn Bru to try to get rid of the sawdust that somebody has poured down your throat and a cigarette to make your head and stomach feel even worse. But now you have to try to piece together the previous evenings campaign from that first beer to getting either back home or where you now find yourself, all in a split second. Not the easiest thing in the world at the best of times but made a thousand times more difficult by the mass murder of brain cells which you managed to achieve in the name of having a good time.

Anyway after much embarrassment, scrambling around for clothes and telling of barefaced lies, "i'll call you later", you are on your own again with nothing but your guilt for company. A feeling which is with you until at least the fourth hair of the dog at around which time you are making arrangements with your mates, who have been more than happy to fill you in on your exploits the previous evening, to do it all over again next Saturday.

The life of a single man, you can't beat it.

The Aloof - One Night Stand (The Long Night and the Samba)

The Tyrell Corporation - Waking With A Stranger

Apologies for the crackles in the Tyrell Corp, however it was well played back in the day


Simon said...

Now that's weird. I have The Aloof all lined up to go, this particular track too, alongside some stuff Ricky Barrow did with Luke Slater a few years ago.

Rethink. Remodel.

Grand post by the way.

Ctelblog said...

Both superb tracks.

a Tart said...

Aww, JC's just jealous... as am I ;)

awesome tunes too! xxx

Anonymous said...

Totally forgotten how good that Aloof track is, time to hunt it down 2nd hand!

Nice blog by the way.

