I have been finding it difficult to keep up this positive attitude as the week has progressed. Being incapable of not listening to the news or reading the Guardian has not helped. However yesterday I did find a reason to be cheerful.
Having failed to get tickets at the beginning of this year for the Frightened Rabbit gig at the Captain's Rest on the 31st of March I was pretty pissed off, as I had bought on import the cd of a recording by the band on a previous occasion at this pub which gave me an idea of how good it would have been to see them in such an intimate venue.
I received an email informing me that Frightened Rabbit have added a matinee show on the same date. Without consulting the better half I was on to ticketweb to purchase 2 tickets for the gig. Only after doing so did I put 2 and 2 together and realize that my wife and I would now be seeing 2 different gigs on the 31st of March. As after seeing Airborne Toxic Event a few weeks ago I decided that L really needed to see them and got us tickets for their gig at Oran Mor ( now changed to the QM) on , you've guessed it the 31st of March.
Now all I have to do is get the day off work, find a baby sitter willing to look after a 3 month old baby from 2 pm to 11ish and someone to pick my eldest up from school and everything will be sorted, easy!
It's quite weird because the last time I saw Frightened Rabbit, was the 30th November 08 and the support that night was Airborne Toxic Event.
Anyway I'm not going to post either Frightened Rabbit or Airborne Toxic Event as everybody should now have these albums and if you don't shame on you and why the fuck not? Also I don't want the same to happen to me as happened to the Vinyl Villain the other day (see here) which was pish in my humble opinion.
Sp----------d - Oh Happy Day (the band in question's lawyers also seem to be quite litigious, hence the spaces)
I tried calling you at work, you were in a meeting and forwarded on the mail to you on Friday afternoon, shit, should have phoned you again.
Ooh, like the spaces idea...very clever! Hope it works.
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