Friday 1 November 2019

Happy Anniversary Doll

At 15:00 twenty two years ago today I made possibly the best decision I have ever made. On that crisp November day I said yes and married Lynn. There have been loads of ups and downs since, some huff, shouting matches and more than one disagreement over the merits of the Fall and MES in particular but I haven't once regretted that decision,

The Proclaimers - Life With You 


Charity Chic said...

Two reasons to celebrate today
Congratulations to you both and commisserations to L!

Brian said...

If you can keep your double life as a serious record buying addict a secret I predict many more happy years... or perhaps that's what some of those shouts were about. At any rate, my best wishes to you both.

acidted said...

congratulations to you both.