Tuesday 23 April 2013

I'm Not The Man I Used To Be

Forty Fucking Four!, Jesus!

I think I'm past the revitalizing cream stage.

Fine Young Cannibals - I'm Not The Man I Used To Be (Solo Piano Intro/12" Remix)


Anonymous said...

happy birthday. don't worry about 44. it's anything after 45 you have to worry about

Swiss Adam said...

Happy Birthday Drew, hope its a good one. Suspect we've reached an age where it doesn't really matter what the number is, at least til we get around 49.

dickvandyke said...

Speaking as a half century merchant, you can all continue playing marbles in those short trousers and snotty noses.

Thanks for posting that, drewster. For all my years, I've never heard that mix before.

Not the men we used to be ... but, just perhaps .. in some ways .. we're actually .. far better.

An ounce of love and strength is all I can offer you.

davyh said...

Happy Birthday Drewster. Keep on keepin' it real. Or something.

Simon said...

Happy birthday mate, hope you're having a good day. I hit the double fours back in Feb. It's not too bad. It's the fact that it's 30 years since I was 14 that's scaring me. 30 years before that and Elvis wasn't even around.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and greetings from Italy. Really like your blog.

Swiss Adam said...

Fine Young Cannibals- much better than I remember. Discuss.

George said...

Happy Birthday Drew. But you're still young. Look at the half-centurians posting today. Well, me and Mr DvD. Have a horlicks, Swiss Adam is offering!. Got my slippers on...have you?

phil spector said...

Salutations and all that jazz!

drew said...

Cheers Guys
Thanks Luca

DVD - it's the best mix for me.

SA - they had their moments, the Raw and The Remix is the album.

George, I need new slippers

Tom W said...

Never heard this remix, and much as I love piano it can't escape the shadow of the original. Once, in a dull council job, I spent my days plotting imaginary sequels to films. This was the soundtrack for the opening scenes of my Ferris Bueller sequel, Save Ferris...

Enjoy the blog, thanks for doing it.

Echorich said...

Happy Birthday Drew! One week from today I will be spending my 50th!!! sipping wine and eating a meal in Madrid which will look more like a work of art than food. I will raise my glass to you as I hum The Facts of Life by Black Box Recorder to myself...Cheers!

Darcy said...

Happy birthday Drew. Speaking from a venerable 55 I would say you get used to it (and 55 feels like 44 feels like 33...), though the numbers do clock up a bit sharpish nowadays. It was 40 that really hit me, 50 was a breeze, but I suspect 60 might be a bit painful - not least when trying to cart boxes of records around the house! :)

"Omanya constant", as the word veri has it.

Tedloaf said...

Happy birthday young man. FYC were great. Both albums.