Tuesday 24 January 2012

He Called Me Baby

He Called Me Baby was originally entitled She Called Me Baby, a country song written by Harlan Howard. Until about ten years ago I had only ever heard the Patsy Cline version.

I was travelling home from Edinburgh, late one night during a hectic data base lock and had turned the radio to Radio 2 for some reason,  just in time to hear Bob Harris play the Candi Staton version which bowled me over and which I still believe is the definitive version. However this, slower more laid back version recorded by Ella Washington, later Pastor Ella Washington Cobb,  for the Nashville label Sound Stage 7 label is nearly as good and a great piece of Southern Soul which retains a Country feel to it.

Ella Washington - He Called Me Baby 


George said...

Looking forward to this one. Have you ever seen Sir Shambling's site? It's devoted to Soutthern Soul. And populated with total obscurities. I suspect you'd like it.

drew said...

Thanks fo that George. Will check out right now. I think you will love this version