Wednesday 16 February 2011

Slip Away

Sometimes a Guinness and a bit of soul music is all you need.

Sit down for a couple of minutes and enjoy.

Now wasn't that good.

Clarence Carter - Slip Away


davyh said...

Oh yes, this is a cracker. And I *am* on the Guinness tonight, as a matterfact.

drew said...

Me too Guinness Foreign Extra, magic

davyh said...

Of course, 'Guinness Red' is the one, really.

drew said...

It does exist. I think that we may owe Dickie an apology.

A girl in the office's father works for Guinness in Dublin. So the last time I was in the office I asked her about it and she hadn't a clue but she phoned her dad who confimed it's existence and said that it has a slight fruity taste to it but no samples were sent back over the water.

John Medd said...

Just put a splash of blackcurrant in the bottom of the glass before you pour in the black stuff. Job done.

adam said...

Or a slug of Port.

I think I've had guinness red, I have a feeling it pre-dated 'extra cold' and was up there against things like Caffreys.