Friday, 17 July 2009

Go North, Middle aged man.

Nothing to see here for the next week.

It is the Glasgow Fair and I have decided that it's about time that I revived the family tradition of all getting in the car and going South for a couple of weeks, although I have decided to put my own slant on it, we are going away for a week and up North rather than down South.

So I will leave you with a track from a criminally under represented form of music on this blog, hip hop, something I will strive to sort out in the coming months.

The Ultramagnetic MC's - Travelling At The Speed Of Thought


davyh said...

North to where??

And have you packed your Murray Mints???

Simon said...

Have a grand week!

drew said...

Nairn, Mr H, never been that far up the east coast before. This having to conform to school holidays is a bugger.

Cheers Simon.

drew said...

Foxes Glacier mints for me, Murray Mints were a bit on the sweet side.

Anonymous said...

While you're up there Drew you should check out Loch Morloch... great place for kids, big and small.