Wednesday 27 April 2016

This Will Be In Your Head All Day

Most people will be aware of the Third Degree's cover of Mercy from 2009 where they basically put the northern into Duffy's soul tune. Well, three years later they took a tune a very popular dance tune and "northernised"(TM) it and it works a treat especially the Smoove remix on the flip side. Would it sound as good with Kylie on vocal duties, I have wondered about this on a few occasions and I'm not sure if it would,


The Third Degree - Can't Get You Out Of My Head (Smoove Remix)


Brian said...

Oh my! That will get the blood pumpin'. Going back for seconds...

JC said...

Now that was really unexpectedly interesting.

Only concern is that sounds a bit too much like the sort of way they do cover versions on Strictly Come Dancing. I'd probably not have too much love for this after four or five listens in quicktime. But good to go back to every once in a long while...