Tuesday 2 June 2015

Falling From Grace

After leaving her position as the cello player and singer with Belle and Sebastian and prior to being the Nancy Sinatra to Mark Lanegan's Lee Hazelwood, Isobel Campbell released a couple of albums as the Gentle Waves. I'm not sure how the first one, The Green Fields of Foreverland sounds but the second album Swansong For You is full of delicate 60s inspired indiepop, which could I suppose be described as "twee as fuck". Fallen From Grace was the single released from the second album back in 2000. It conjures up black and white images of men in sharp three button suits and women with bobbed hair and mini skirts.

Gentle Waves - Falling From Grace

1 comment:

Brian said...

I know the Mark Lanegan stuff but have completely missed Gentle Waves. Really like this one, Drew.