Tuesday 22 August 2017

I'm The Wolfman

What do you get when you cross Rockabilly and Garage Rock?  You get Round Robin. A record that must have been in Lux and Ivy's collection, it just ticks all of their boxes. I'm The Wolfman was written by James Baker Knight best known for writing thing like The Wonder of You and Lonesome Town and for artists like Dean Martin, Perry Como and Frank Sinatra, so god knows what someone had slipped into his scotch and soda when we sat down and penned this piece of trash rock. Whatever it was maybe he should have kept with it but then it probably was n't as profitable for him. The record was released on the Domain Records label in 1965.

Round Robin - I'm The Wolfman


Swiss Adam said...


Brian said...

Yep, Cramps loved this one. Me too.