Wednesday 10 August 2011

Candy And The Kisses

How about a bit of northern?

Sisters Candy and Suzanne Nelson along with Jeanette Johnson from Port Richmond NY are probably best remembered for the Cameo-Parkway released single The 81 in 1964 which has a typical upbeat girl-group sound of the times. They also produced a version of Mr Creator a track much loved in northern circles in the version cut by the Apollas.

Are You Trying To Get Rid of Me Baby has a more moody feel to it than their other releases and is probably my favourite track by the trio. Written by Ashford, Simpson & Armstead it was later released on 45 by the Crystals after their association with Phil Spector had ended.

Candy And The Kisses - Are You Trying To Get Rid Of Me Baby


Simon said...

I've posted the Crystals version myself in the past - it's still my favourite of the two, but they're both good.

drew said...

I'm not that taken on the Crystals version Simon. I know this is going to sound mad but it's over produced, the horns and piano that come in just over the minute ten mark are overly fussy.

Simon said...

That's one of my favourite moments!