First posted 01/03/2009
Sundays used to be so simple BC (before children), we would lie in bed late if we wished. Eventually I would get up, go get the papers, make breakfast and spend the next couple of hours perusing the sundays. Then at an acceptable hour it would be down the pub to meet the mates have a few pints and if very lucky on to my mum's for a Sunday roast.
Now it consists of getting up the back of six! Making breakfast for number one son who has an unnatural need for very little sleep and making a bottle for number 2 son after which there is no point getting back in bed as the eldest has now taken up squatters rights on my side of the bed, so I tidy the kitchen make some green tea and wait for the garage to open in order to get the papers which will be mostly unread by the following weekend. The rest of the day goes by in a blur. Then before I know it it is bath time for M and the weekend is just about over only The Westminster Hour on radio 4 while making the pieces (packed lunch) for the following day and polishing shoes left to do. . . Still, wouldn't have it any other way.
Abba - The Day Before You Came
The Streets - Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way
I haven't got time for this drew - the garden centre awaits. I then need to spend hours within the soft furnishings dept of my local Swedish aircraft hangar of a megastore. Linda and her frankly odd husband are having a bbq and the wife promised we'd pop in for an hour. The guinea pigs won't visit Pets r Us for their own sawdust and straw you know. 2 cars to petrol up, a tv licence to renew and .. comments to leave on my favourite blog sites.
We have so much in common. It does get better. Mine are 11 and 7, so the 6'o'clock Sundays are just about a thing of the past. The trick is to keep them up late on Saturday night. Then you get to spend some quality time with them while you hit the Pinot. Win/Win.
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