I had sort of forgotten about Kate Nash recently. In one of the early posts on this blog I posted Birds, the other side of her first single and said how much I liked her songs but the album had not lived up to the potential I felt that it had been over produced and that the songs lost some of their intimacy due to this. The track posted today is a prime example, it's the 2nd thing that I ever heard by her and I just loved the lyrics and the forlorn feeling of the track, however when it appeared on the album, it had a jaunty beat, backing vocals and full accompaniment and completely lost the desperate feel of the radio session version.
The reason this track came into my head this week is that I have been reading One Day by David Nicholls a book aimed directly at mine and a few of the bloggers listed at the side's age group. I believe that if Kate Nash had been around in 1988, Emma, one of the two main characters would have had this track on repeat. If you get the chance read the book. It is funny, clever and will strike a chord with anyone who has felt more for a member of the opposite sex than they've let on and never had the courage to do anything about it. Don't let the Tony Parsons quote put off.
A word of warning though, if you read it, when you get to chapter 18 do not read it as I did while waiting for your dinner to arrive, sitting alone in a hotel as the waitress is apt to look at you very strangely and enquire about your mental well being.
Kate Nash - We Get On
I have just realised that I did indeed post this track in the previous Kate Nash post but I've finished the post now so apologies for the repetition.
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