Time for another of those edits from that French DJ, Pilooski, I will soon have posted half of the Dirty Edits album. I don't think that I will need to worry about take down notices though as the legality of the original twelves is somewhat in doubt.#
This time Pilooski takes on some Krautrock ( a term that I feel quite uncomfortable about, however I can't think of another one), in the form of Can an experimental band from West Germany as it was called in 1968 when they formed. Their best period in my eyes was between 1971 - 73 when they released 3 classic albums, Tagoo Magoo, Ege Bamyasi and Future Days. The experimental nature of some of Can's work tends to put people off but if you persevere I think it is worth it.
Can have influenced many bands from PIL to the Flaming Lips. The influence on MES and The Fall is obvious even without the tribute titled I Am Damo Suzuki (Can's one time singer) on This Nations Saving Grace.
Speaking of The Fall, the long anticipated Last Night At The Hammersmith Palais CD/DVD
finally dropped through the letter box today and I can tell you it was worth the wait, for the blistering albeit cut short version of Reformation alone. I can thoroughly recommend this release and at £8.99 from Amazon a bargain as well.
Can - Mother Sky (Pilloski edit). Link restored
PS if you ever see a record on Discogs being sold by some one who goes by the name Major_Dude avoid at all costs, as he took 25 quid off of me for the above 12" and never sent it or replied to any of my communication - Robbing Bastard is the term for this c_ _ t
They got you already! The link is gone!
Link restored
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