Tuesday 5 January 2010

Bloody Work!

First day back today and I'm not looking forward to sifting through the emails to find the ones that are actually important or completing the tasks that should have been finished last year but somehow got forgotten about.

I need something with a bit of oomph to get me going.

The Go!Team - Ladyflash

That'll do nicely.


davyh said...

But did your car start?

Northern Soul said...

lol i was gonna ask same thing? Mine didnt, battery as flat as the proverbial fart

drew said...

Surprisingly, after an hour of digging it out and then having to de -ice internally as well it did. Not very confidently though.
Decided to work from home today but had to take the boys to there Gran. M got an extra day off, school closed!

Simon said...

Ah Ladyflash! One of my favourite singles of the 00s.

Little man at this end decided to stay up all night so there was no way I was getting into work. Just as well as we're getting the snow here now!

davyh said...


drew said...

The weather is the lead on PM, must mean that the snow is heading South!

davyh said...


Simon said...

By the way Drew, I've just been listening, whilst looking out of the window at the snow, to a track you posted earlier on last year by Jesse Somfay, the Fricative White track. Works so well with the weather!!!