Tuesday 14 April 2009

Back To The Coal Face

Here is a couple of downtempo tunes to ease you back after a long weekend, for those of you who are back to work today. I on the other hand am off 'til next Monday, don't know if that is a blessing or a curse as I'm not sure how many more times I can watch Madagascar and it's follow up before my head explodes.

Both tracks are from 1990 and would have been flogged to death back in the day after a hard weekend enjoying myself.

The Beloved - The Sun Rising

Innocence - Natural Thing (Sunset)


beth said...

Thank you so much - it's been so long since I heard 'The Sun Rising' that I'd forgotten I ever liked it!

drew said...

My pleasure, it is a good tune.

Unknown said...

jings crivvens help ma boab.....another one that I adore (The Beloved in case you're wondering)