Monday 2 March 2009

Fife's Finest?

Everywhere I turn they're there, bloody U2 all over the radio, TV, music papers, every effin' place. You would think that it was the second coming or sumat not just the latest piece of pomp rock by a second rate bandwagon jumping bunch of chancers.

Not being their biggest fan I am getting somewhat distraught with the coverage. They hadn't released an album in 3 years, yet every bloody edition of Q since forever has had some sort of article about them. I think that the staff at Q should bow to the inevitable and start lobbying the Vatican for the beatification of Paul David Hewson which seems to be the underlying reason for the magazine's existence.

Anyway, here is a track by the Irish band . . . not a chance in hell.

Instead here are a couple of tracks from the best punk band to emerge from Scotland who Bonzo and an American cartoon punk band made a hash of covering.

The Skids were formed in 1977 by Stuart Adamson, William Simpson, Thomas Kellichan and Richard Jobson they were responsible for some brilliant singles, 3 great albums and one not so good.

Charles was the first single by the band and was released in 1978.

The Skids - Charles

Woman In Winter was the second single from the 1980 album The Absolute Game and is my favourite Skids track.

I bought my first Skids single, Charade, from Trax (i think that was how it was spelt) a record shop in Airdrie on the strength of the cover alone which depicted 2 military types playing cards and smoking with a gun in the middle of the table. I always loved the cover art to their records.

The Skids - A Woman In Winter

1 comment:

drew said...

In my humble opinion yes