Tuesday 24 March 2009

Everybody Loves a Cover . . . Right?

I've got the monthly team meeting today, which is great, full of corporate speak such as "we don't want to re-invent the wheel", "gold plating", "can we take that off line?" and my personal favourite "helicopter view", although haven't heard that one for a few months".

Anyway in the duller moments my mind will be wandering to topics such as what is my favourite cover version or what song would I love The Fall to murder next in their own inimitable way.

So here are a couple of the stranger cover versions in my collection.

Cloud Cult - Mr Tambourine Man

I am not even going to try and explain who they are because I couldn't do them justice. Check out their website here for the lowdown on the band and their ideals. If you like what you hear you could do worse than buy "Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus" which when you know the back story is both heartbreaking and uplifting.

The second cover, is by Elbow, in one of their lighter moments, it just makes me smile.

Elbow - Independent Woman

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