Friday 9 January 2009

It's Friday . . . Let's Dance

Foolishly I decided to yet again put myself through the torture of abstaining from alcohol for the duration of January, or "I'm aff it" as we say in these parts, so Friday does not have the allure of the G&T or pint of Guinness once I have logged off the company laptop and drawn a veil over the weekly grind.

In order to lift my spirits I have turned my attention to the healing power of soul music and Northern Soul in particular. For those of you unacquainted with this sub sect of soul I am not going to attempt a definition as it would take too long to explain what constitutes a "northern" tune and my explanation would not satisfy the fanatics, suffice to say they are usually rare, mid/uptempo 60s soul records in the Motown style. Northern soul aficionados can be very passionate about their tunes, making your average indie music snob look like the epitome of fair mindedness. When I was a lot younger I once foolishly asked a northern dj what the tune he was playing was to which he retorted "If you don't know that then you don't deserve to be in here", I kid you not.

I will return frequently on this blog to a bit of northern as it is one of my great loves. Most of my northern collection is on cd and compilation lps (which will horrify all those serious collectors out there) as the original singles can cost thousands and I can't really justify anything over 20 quid for a single, I have tried but have not been able to convince myself let alone the good lady. Of the 7" in my possession most of them are either re-pressings as with the tune selected today or dodgy bootleg pressings.

Today's tune is by the late, great Jackie Wilson, corny I know but true. This tune will always remind me of the Togetherness Weekenders in Fleetwood, seeing a good few hundred people shuffling, spinning and clapping in time to this tune is a sight to behold.

So pull back the carpet, sprinkle the talcum powder on the floor or the lino in the kitchen and have a little shimmy

Jackie Wilson - Because of You


davyh said...


Go on, have a drink - you know you want to...

dickvandyke said...

Admirable/crazy abstinence Drew.

I lived in 'dry' Saudi Arabia some years ago and missed beer dreadfully. To rub it in, my pal sent me a tape recording of him opening a can of Boddingtons and pouring it into a pint glass. That widget explosion and the glug glug glug, followed by his slurp and long lipsmacking 'Aaaaah' was akin to 3 hours on a Medieval rack.

I always draw a smiley face in the head of my beer to celebrate being able to enjoy one.

a Tart said...

I was recently at a rave (I know!) in London, and upstairs in the private room there was a funk DJ who played some tracks like this, it was AWESOME. Having grown up with this type of music, this is exactly what Friday is to me, nice to find it here, Jackie Wilson was it, mmmmuuuuuaaaahhhhh!

drew said...

DVD - that does seem like a really cruel thing to do, funny and clever yes but still cruel.
Tart - good to see you making an appearance
JC, the sword is a bit extreme but I think I would have made him buy the drink all night the first night out on my return and from some of DVD's comments in the past that would have hurt, his wallet anyway.