Monday 24 November 2014

I Can't Stand It

I was sure that I had featured today's track in the past, so much so that when I dug out the single the other week I thought I would check how long ago it was to see if I could get away with posting it again. but on checking it appears that I haven't which is a travesty that I shall resolve this morning.

I know absolutely nothing about Brenda George apart from it appears she released three singles all on different labels between 1971 and 1972. I Can't Stand It was the flip side of the first of these sforty-fives, What You See Is What You Get released on Kent. It  is probably the best  of  the tracks I have heard and a finer slice of funk from that year will be hard to find, although I'm sure Darcy could put me right on that score.


Brenda George - I Can't Stand It (I Can't Take No More)

1 comment:

Charity Chic said...

Not complete pish Drew!