Friday 7 March 2014

It's Friday . . . Let's Dance

As far as I'm aware Jamie xx hasn't released anything for a while,  don't think that he has remixed much recently either. Anyway here is a track that he released back in 2011 on Numbers as a single and  I banged on about to anyone who would listen, not that many did. I really like the steel drums and the twisted vocal sample. It's probably not the right time of the year for this kind of track but it kind of lifts the gloom for me.

I'm going out for a few pints with the Vinyl Villain tonight. It's been a while so I'm sure that there will be much pish talked.

Have a good weekend people.

Jamie xx - Far Nearer


Dirk said...

I love you Drew, just for the picture .... go away Sturdy Girl, you ugly scarecrow!!

And give my greetings to Jim, will you?! Have fun ....

Luca said...


Luca said...

Oh, and greetings from me also.

dickvandyke said...

Is this meant as a Caption Competition drew?
I'm guessing this isn't the same Glasgow house party as posted in recent times?
I'm staying loyal to Sturdy Girl. Dirk - dont be so fickle and shallow. Although since that picture of SG was taken in 1997, she has become a shambling alcoholic Jezebel of no-fixed-abode.

dickvandyke said...

And how loverly that you are seeing Jimmy Jimmy Oh.
Stick to the Irn Bru.

Swiss Adam said...

What they said, especially Luca (first comment).

Dirk said...

In my age, DvD, one has to flexible, even if this means to be unloyal at times.

Not that I will ever have the slightest chance to explain this brilliant theory to either Sturdy Girl or Boob Girl, I'm afraid ...

Charity Chic said...

As above!
Drew and JC out on the lash - it's the blogging equivalent of the G2 summit!