Tuesday 22 June 2010

It Ain't Necessary

Back to the northern soul gems unearthed at the weekend during the search for Keep On Keeping On by N.F. Porter.

It Ain't Necessary is a brilliant up tempo track, written by Jerry Butler, responsible for classics such as Right Track and Moody Woman and one time member of the Impressions.

The song was released on the Chicago soul label St Lawrence Records in April 1966 and narrowly missed entering the US charts.

Mamie Galore was born Mamie Davis in 1940 and records for Sack, Thomas and Imperial records. She also  recorded Special Agent 34-24-38 for the above label and a northern rarity titled It Right Now which will set you back more than 750 quid these days. She also appeared on a few duets for Imperial with Dee Irwin.  She continued to perform in her native Mississippi until her death in 2001.

The weather we are having up here at the moment compliments this music beautifully, so you may have to endure a few more northern tunes over the next wee while as I'm listening to it at the exclusion of everything else at the moment, well everything apart from The XX, of course.

Mamie Galore - It Ain't Necessary


Mondo said...

Gorgeous - it's incredible how much great, great music was made back then. I can't see many people trawling through anything post millenium with the same passion.

Touch of Judy in Disguise about the bassline

swiss adam said...

Great tune, don't know this one. Keep the northern coming.