We're back in student disco land, 22 years ago (christ almighty, is it really that long ago) with this post.
As I've mentioned before my time of penury and starvation, better known as student life started in Aberdeen in 1987 where I spent my first year, running up a debt that the bosses of HBOS or RBS would have been proud of, dancing and drinking the week away and attending the odd lecture or even more infrequently a tutorial or two.
Monday night was one of the best nights out in the city, well for students at least. The Mudd club held in the local Ritzy was where you went to hear all the latest indie stuff, have a good dance, meet and try to cop off and drink increadibly cheap Furstenberg, which for some reason was always on promotion. As a result the Tuesday was more often than not written off as a bad idea, happy days.
Here are two tracks I remember hearing a lot at the Mudd Club and subsequently purchasing from One Up records in it's original location on Diamond Street.
That Petrol Emotion - Big Decision
Pop Will Eat Itself - Beaver Patrol
Those days before 'dance music' seem like such a long time ago - and they are!!! - but listening to tunes like these, indie dance wasn't just something that happened at the end of the 80s: it was just a continuation of what had been going on for years.
I'd expect Age Of Chance and their version of Kiss alongside these two...
I was in two minds whether to post Age of Chance, especially since I picked up another 12" copy of it in a charity shop a fortnight ago for a quid, even tho I had it couldn't let it languish there for a measly quid.
It is strange how a lot of people think indie dance started with all the Manchester stuff.
Great record
Excellent tracks was actually listening to Hey Venus today!
Those indie dance days were brilliant, but it all started to get suspect when bands who had previously been more on the folky end of things started adding in those drum beats they heard in the local record shops and we started getting dance from the likes of Primal Scream and MBV...all of a sudden indie dance became serious.
Echorich, you have a point, however I won't have a word said against Loaded probably the pinnacle of indie dance in my view.
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