Monday, 31 December 2012
As I may have mentioned once or twice in the past I really can't be arsed with Hogmanay and Ne'erday. All that traipsing about the streets in the freezing cold when sensible people are tucked up in their beds in the land of nod, wishing "Happy New Year" to people you wouldn't ordinarily talk to, all the pish with coal, black bun and the like. All these things just seem to reinforce the view that we are a parochial country always looking back and wrapping everything up in bagpipes and tartan. You hear people say "nobody does New Year like us" when what they mean is nobody does public drunkenness and mawkish sentimentality quite like the Scots.
Here endeth the rant, it is Hogmanay after all.
I would just like to thank everybody who has lingered around the kitchen table over the past twelve months, whether to just download the tracks or occasionally read the nonsense that I type or leave a comment. It is all appreciated. I wish you all a better 2013 than 2012, which I mean most sincerely and hope that whatever you do tonight and tomorrow you have a great time.
Here is one of my favourite Blondie songs, for no other reason than it was in my head earlier on.
Blondie - Dreaming
Friday, 28 December 2012
It's The Friday Between Christmas and New Year . . . Let's Dance.
It's quite telling that I'm not as young as I was. Twenty years ago I would be relishing the prospect of a weekend and then the New Year but the idea of partying for that long fills me with dread nowadays. So I think that a quiet weekend may be in store.
But I shall keep on going with the rather tired Friday feature, so here is a rather good piece of funky House courtesy of Pete Heller and Terry Farley first released back in 1995 on AM:PM.
Have a good weekend people
Heller and Farley Project - Ultra Flava
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Fontella Bass RIP
Another soul singer shuffles off this mortal coil.
I have to admit that I know very little of her repertoire but I still love this tune and I think I would have been in my early teens when I first heard it.
Fontella Bass - Rescue Me
A Tom Moulton Mix
Well I hope you got everything from Santa that you wanted or that it was at least practical.
I have spent a good part of the last couple of days building up up either Lego, in the form of Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings and Monster Fighters or Mega Blok's Spider Man and Halo and feel enough of an expert to state that Mega Bloks are shit in comparison to Lego, the instructions are crap and the blocks don't stay together like Lego does. Moan over.
When I was in Glasgow last Friday getting L's presents I also had a chance to visit my favourite charity music shop and have to say had a pretty successful trawl through the racks.
While looking through the 12" singles I noticed three in the famous Casablanca sleeve that I thought were worth further inspection. Two of them were pretty rough when I looked at them but the third looked in good nick, it was by the Pips but what piqued my interest was that wriiten and produced by Bunny Sigler, responsible for a couple of good northern tunes. It had also been remixed by Tom Moulton, the "father of the disco mix" who was responsible for a rather fine mix of the Carstairs "It Really Hurts Me Girl" recently unearthed and released on 7" on the Inferno label. So I decided that the record was worth a punt at the asking price of 50p.
I suspect that this will be right up Darcy and Davy H's avenues.
I'm of to finish building the Spiderman Oscorps Tower Battle, joy!
The Pips - Baby I'm Your Fool (Tom Moulton mix)
Monday, 24 December 2012
Merry Christmas To One And All When It Comes
Well the blog has got to another Christmas and I would just like to wish you all, all the best for the festering period and I hope none of you get one of these horrendous Christmas jumpers that seem to be all the rage, well unless you have asked Santa for one of course.
Tomorrow I will be following Delia's instructions to the letter as per last year and fingers crossed it will go as well as it did then, although I scaled back the bird from one which nearly didn't fit in the oven last year to one that we will not be eating well into January.
Anyway some sort of service will resume here on the 27th or 28th.
So eat, drink and be merry
The Housemartins - Caravan of Love
Sunday, 23 December 2012
The Vocal Version Of The Original Instrumental
Way back at the beginning of November I had to rush out an emergency prescription for a severe dose of Christopher Crossitis which was then afflicting The Ghost Of Electricity. I thought that the best course of medication would be an hourly dose of a particularly classy RicTic instrumental by Al Kent.
Since then I have discovered, sought out and purchased a vocal version of said record. Recorded by Gloria Taylor in Nashville and released on the Silver Fox label, which incidentally was owned by Lelan Rogers, brother of country star Kenny. I'm not sure if the vocal adds that much to the track, Ms Taylor certainly has a good voice, maybe it's just the fact that I knew the instrumental version first.
Gloria Taylor - You Got To Pay The Price
* I have started copying Darcy by trying to photograph the actual single while playing rather than just showing the label.
Saturday, 22 December 2012
The Christmas Song
Here is my all time favourite Christmas song. It doesn't matter how many timnes I hear this or the number of bad cover versions there are of it, the Raveonettes version was particularly disappointing, can diminish my love for this.
When on the topic of cover versions of this song, go here and download a particularly lovely acoustic cover of it. I can also vouch for the group's album which is very good indeed.
Darlene Love - (Christmas) Baby Please Come Home
Friday, 21 December 2012
It's The Friday Before Christmas . . . Let's Dance
By the time you are reading this hopefully I will be slightly inebriated after having spent the morning getting L's Christmas presents up the West End and then meeting a good friend for drinks, sorry lunch and basically having an afternoon sesh.
I always used to like going out dancing on the Friday before Christmas, so I thought that the occasion warranted a huge track but all of the ones that I was thinking of have all been posted before, so excuse me a bit of repetition, well it is Christmas after all.
Or so I thought, I was sure that I had posted today's track before, after all it is one of the seminal Techno/house tracks. But apparently I had somehow overlooked it.
Strings of Life is the work of Derrick May and was first released on Transmat in 1987 and has been re-released a few times since in various mixes. The version posted is the Flam-Boy-Ant mix from the original release. It is strange that a tune with no bass line should become so important in the evolution of Techno.
Have a good weekend but remember it's going to be a long week so pace yourself.
Rhythim is Rhythim - Strings Of Life (Flam-Boy-Ant mix)
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Take Care Of Business
Not got a lot to say today, too much to do.
Here is a right good Pilooski refit of a classic Nina Simone vocal from the 4th album in the Verve remix project. A palate cleanser after all of those sugary Christmas type tunes I am hearing everywhere. They are even piping them down our High Street which would be annoying if I didn't have my headphones on listening to stuff like this.
Nina Simone - Take Care Of Business (Pilooski refit)
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Christmas Tune Number 4
Here is another Christmas tune which I first posted a couple of years ago and which always leaves me a bit emotional, it just sort of creeps up on you and before the end you are trying not to look in the direction of anybody who happens to be around.
What's getting me emotional at the moment is the DMCA and Blogger take down activity, it really is pissing me off. You won't be able to download the Jessie Ware b-side or the Ten Five Sixty track as they have been withdrawn for copy right infringement, fair enough I suppose.
So if you fancy this track I would download it rather rapidly as it might not be up very long.
Tim Minchin - White Wine In The Sun
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
That's How I Feel About You
I was looking for something a bit different to play yesterday and pulled out the Blue Harlem cd,. I have to admit that I played it through twice not the worst soundtrack to sifting through emails that should have been dealt with before now.
Blue Harlem - That's How I Feel About You
Monday, 17 December 2012
No One Could Love You More
Here is one of my favourite Gladys Knight and The Pips tracks. Released on Tamla Motown in 1971 as the b-side of Take Me In Your Arms And Love Me in the UK but never released as a single Stateside, Another bizarre decision by Motown, well two really, firstly making it a b-side in the UK and secondly not bothering at all on the other side of the pond.
Gladys Knight and The Pips - No One Could Love You More
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Christmas Tunes Number 3
Don't know if this actually qualifies as a Christmas tune or not. It has the word Christmas in it, is about a family being miserable and ever since I heard Billy Bragg and Uncle Ted do it live at the Glasgow Barrowlands all those years ago I have thought of it as one so therefore it usually makes an appearance in my Christmas compilations.
Billy Bragg and Ted Hawkins - Cold And Bitter Tears
Saturday, 15 December 2012
The Tracks Of My Year
Right, the totally subjective forty best tracks of the year. This year I have changed the rules in that this list is my favourite 40 tracks from 2012, I have decided that they didn't have to have been released as a single but I also put a limit of two tracks each from the Dexys and Spiritualized albums other wise the top twenty would have looked very boring indeed being filled by these artists and a smattering of other tracks.
There is still a healthy mix of dance and indie. However as with the albums there is an increasing retro vibe, with the likes of the Alabama Shakes, Nick Waterhouse and Jasmine Kara.
- Spiritualized - So Long You Pretty Thing
- Dexys - Home
- Burial + Fourtet - Nova
- Gregory Porter - 1960 What? (Opolopo Kick & Bass Rerub)
- Allo Darlin' - Some People Say
- Meursault - Settling
- Koreless - Lost In Tokyo
- The xx - Our Song
- Arctic Monkeys - Black Treacle
- Scuba - NE1BUTU
- Dexys - Free
- Frightened Rabbit - State Hospital
- Jasmine Kara - Ain't No More Room
- Not allowed to mention as apparently it is a copyright infringement to even type the name of the band
- Burial - Ashtray Wasp
- Spiritualized - Hey Jane
- Jessie Ware - Running (Disclosure mix)
- Illum Sphere - Birthday
- The xx - Angels
- Alabama Shakes - Boys and Girls
- The Orb - Golden Clouds (Youth Gigantic Dreadnaught mix)
- Moon Duo - Circles
- Lorca - Love Like This
- Tashaki Miyaki - Best Friend
- Not allowed to mention as apparently it is a copyright infringement to even type the name of the band
- King Creosote - Ankle Shackles
- Jess Roberts - Voodoo Woman
- Ten Five Sixty - Do This For Me
- Nick Waterhouse - Say I Wanna Know
- Delta Code - Track 1
- The Raveonettes - The Enemy
- The Allah- Las - Tell Me (What's On Your Mind)
- Manjah - My Dub Is Empty Without You
- Alabama Shakes - Heavy Chevy
- Withered Hand - Wonderful Lie
- Wooden Shjips - Crossing (Weatherall mix)
- The Underground Youth - Juliette
- Ricardo Villalobos - Any Ideas
- dusk + blackdown - High Road
- Black Acid - Black Acid
Friday, 14 December 2012
It's Friday . . . Let's Dance
I was sure that I had posted this track at least once and possibly a couple of times but on checking last night it appears not.
As I have mentioned before in around 2002/2003 I sort of fell out of love with dance music, decided that I was too old for that sort of thing and it was time to get sensible.
Also around this time I read an article about this amazing new personal stereo made by Apple which could hold a couple of thousand tracks which I knew that I would have to have.
Early in 2003 I noticed that there was going to be a record fair in the SECC in Glasgow and I decided that I would part with some of dance music which would fund this new iPod thing. I started sifting thrrough the 12" singles and hit on the idea of selling off a couple of the label collections I had including the Soma, Junior Boys Own and Mo Wax. I had coollected these labels from the outset and had the first 24 Soma twelves about the same from Junior Boy's Own and most of the first seventy or so Mo Wax records. I took out the things that I just couldn't bear to part with such as thee first four Soma Releases, some of the JBO stuff including the Dust Brothers, Rez and the like and about quite a few Mo Wax releases including, In Flux, Breaking Boundaries and Messing Up Heads and today's posting but strangely after looking last night I must have included the remix twelve of that.
Clubbed To Death was the thirty seventh release from James Lavelle's label and came out in 1995 and came in a myriad of mixes over two 12" single and cd. The mix posted is mix #1.
I still smart when I think of selling those bits of vinyl and wonder to this day why I didn't just put the iPod on the plastic.
Have a good weekend people and if out be careful out there, there are a lot of amateur drinkers out and about this time of year.
Rob D - Clubbed To Death (first mix)
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Christmas Tune Number Two
Two for the price of one, as both versions are brilliant. Originally released in 2007 on a white label which I picked up in Head in Belfast a while ago. I miss my trips over the water, nights in the Mal and searching for Red Guinness. It was re-released the following year as a single sided 500 copy limited edition with only the vocal version. I think that the choral version just edges it.
Frightened Rabbit - It's Christmas So We'll Stop (Choir)
Frightened Rabbit - It's Christmas So We'll Stop
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Could this be the biggest waste of time and effort ever.?
This morning I will be getting the stupid o'clock flight down to Luton for an interview for a job that I have had no time to prepare for and have less than zero chance of getting.
Still, be nice to be in Luton again!
Here is a song that came on the iPod yesterday on the road down from Aberdeen which just synched perfectly with the cold clear evening.
New Order - Your Silent Face
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
It Will Be Freezing Up North
Another Tuesday another visit to the granite city. I will be spending quite a considerable part of January freezing my bollocks off in the greyest city in the UK, if not the world. It is quite a depressing place in the midst of winter. Still, musn't grumble it could be worse, I could be in Luton.
Here is the tune that if we had got married in a church my soon to be wife would have walked down the isle to. As it was we were in a Registry Office both standing nervously awaiting kick-off to a tape I had put together a couple of hours before.
Don't know why I posted this but I sometimes do like to listen to the album as a whole on long journeys and this along with reminding me of probably the most important day of my life always also brings back memories of leaving Aberdeen.
Edda dell'Orso - Friendship And Love
Monday, 10 December 2012
Three Hundred And Sixty Five Days
Here's a bit of funky soul for you courtesy of Mr Donald Height who was not having a good time of it in 1967.
I am actually going to upload both sides of this Jay Boy single as the flip although completely different is nearly as good as the A- side which is not that rare in soul circles but you don't hear me banging on about it like Smiths fans do.
Donald Height - Three Hundred And Sixty Five Days
Donald Height - I'm Willing To Wait
Sunday, 9 December 2012
And So The Lists Begin
Haven't seen anybody else get in with their best of lists yet so I will throw my easy one into the ring first, my Top Ten LPs.
It's been a rather good year for long players for me as over the past few years I have tended to moan about getting bored with albums and very rarely being able to sit through them. This was not a problem this year as a considerable number of the ones I have bought get played through in their entirety and the top ten have all spent a considerable time on the turntables indeed at different time points in the year the only time they were off was to put on the second disc of both offerings.
There were things that were eagerly anticipated that failed to deliver the goods, the Raveonettes. Again the album is okay but when heard the songs were transformed from being just okay to being really good, I still hold out hope that one of these days they will produce an album that will capture how good they are live.
I also found myself surprised at how much I liked Jack White's solo album having never been the biggest fan of the White Stripes or any of his other projects.
So here is my favourite ten long players from the past twelve months
10 - Clubroot - III

The third and final in the series from Dan Richmond is in the same vein as the previous two, widescreen music with an air of the apocalyptic. In a similar vein to Burial but not a straight imitation.
9 - Thousand Foot Whale Claw - Dope Moons Volume I

One of those records that you take a punt on, as with a name that weird they must be good and surprisingly they are. I'm not sure how to describe the output of these four stoners from Austin Texas. The words that have been used are Krautrock, minimalism, drone, pulsing, you get the idea. It is certainly an album to be listened to in its entirety, preferably through headphones while enjoying some good alcohol.
Thousand Foot Whale Claw - Phobos
8 The Allah - Las

From the label that brought us Nick Waterhouse and indeed produced by the retro R&B performer, this album has been flogged to death over the past few weeks. Very late 60s, Bay Area, Nuggets type sounds that banished the shitty weather and brought visions of sun and driving along PCH or my perception of PCH from reading Fuel Injected Dreams.
7 Allo Darlin' - Europe

The second album from Elizabeth Morris and co does exactly what you expect and with enough jangly guitars and uplifting songs to make the sun shine on the blackest of days. Not only does it have the wonderful Tallula, widely available for the first time but in Some People Say a song so emotional that you will probably have "something in your eye" by the end of it and a fitting tribute to the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong.
6. Nick Waterhouse - Time's All Gone

Sharp suits, small dingy clubs, amphetamine fuelled dancing.
5 Alabama Shakes - Boys & Girls

There has been a retro feel to quite a few of my favourite albums of 2012, which I suppose could be seem as either good or bad depending on your outlook. But wen the finished product is this good well I know what side of the fence I fall on. Shades of Janis with Big Brother and The Holding Company but what an incredible voice!
4 Meursault - Something For The Weakend

Neil Pennycook's writing and vocal delivery just get better and better on this, the third Meursault album.
3 The xx - Co-exist

This was eagerly awaited by me. I did come late to The xx, mid 2009 but since then I have more than made up for it and think that their debut is possibly the most played album in our house, well after this year's favourite.
I have heard quite a bit of criticism that this album is too similar to the last album, not sure what these people wanted from the band, a Greek Heavy Metal album? It's the xx ffs!
2 Spiritualized - Sweat Heart Sweet Light

This was another eagerly awaited release, ever since October 2011 when Jason decided to play the, then unknown album in it's entirety on the short UK tour. These were some of the best Spiritualized songs I had heard in a long time. And the album didn't disappoint, ok the white vinyl pressing was very badly cut and sounded dreadful but on download and when the black pressing appeared the songs sounded great, Jason's voice higher in the mix than usual but no bad thing. This was always going to be my favourite album of the year until about July when I was banjaxed by the one below.
1 Dexys - One Day I'm Going To Soar

If somebody had said to me before July that my favourite album of 2012 would have been by a band that hadn't made a record for twenty seven years, I would have first asked what prescription medication they were on and then have pronounced them mad and told then to not talk such shite. But it is the fact that One Day I'm Going To Soar by Dexys is my album of the year.
I saw them on Later and thought, Rowland's voice was holding out quite well and that the two new songs that they performed were actually quite good and that was it or so I thought. For the next couple of weeks I kept going back to You Tube and watched the later performances, something I very rarely do. I eventually decided to find a snidey download and find out what the album was like.
From the first play I was hooked and before the end of the day I was on the Piccadilly Records website and the vinyl was ordered and since that time the vinyl has rarely been off of the turntable. It got to the stage at about the end of September beginning of October that I had to force myself to listen to other things instead but I always end up coming back to ODIGTS.
It is very funny in parts, embarrassingly and cringingly honest in others but the performances are all excellent. Simon commented on Twitter that he thought that the drums sounded too thin, something I hadn't noticed before he mentioned it and he is right but that is about the only criticism that I can find in it. I'm not sure why it didn't receive a better critical reaction than it did but don't let that put you off, I suspect that this like it's predecessor it will turn out to be one of those timeless albums.
Dexys - Nowhere Is Home To Me
So there you go, in my opinion the best albums of the year. There are probably a couple of glaring omissions that I will remember later but at the moment and over the past week or so when I have been thinking about it these are the albums that have sprung to mind.
I have one question regarding Goat's World Music, what does everybody hear that I don't? It is good and would be in my top twenty of 2012 but number 1, I just don't hear anything that special.
Saturday, 8 December 2012
I Suppose That It's Time
Last night Lynn decked the tree, not in the traditional Lanarkshire meaning of the the word decked as in "Jimmy decked him", no decked as in made the tree look as unlike a tree as it is possible to do with bits of shiny stuff, lights and more shiny stuff and a fairy on top with a tree up it's arse. So I suppose it's time to start posting my very limited season related songs that I actually like.
Here is a gem from a duo who again last Friday did not fail to produce a beautiful noise with just the aid of a guest drummer, another band who consistently produce the good live unlike some others I could mention. Sadly I don't think that I have ever heard them play this live, most of the time when they play in Glasgow it is October/November and a bit too early for this. My copy of this single is on a rather horrible green vinyl, really should have been white.
The Raveonettes - The Christmas Song
Friday, 7 December 2012
It's Friday . . . Let's Dance
It's hard to believe that this track is over twenty years old, well in the Eren's Bootleg form anyway, the vocal comes from 5 years earlier. Not even that abysmal version by Florence and her machine can take the gloss of of this.
The pairing of Staton's vocal over the track Your Love by Jamie Principle is sheer genius. It came out originally on the Love/Rock ep in 1989, the Eren's Bootlleg mix, the best known version is a slightly more polished version of that release. When dropped in clubs back in the day the rush of emotion was palpable even if you weren't off your skull on some mind bending chemicals. I wonder if it still gets a similar kind of reception these days?
Have a good weekend people and keep weel wrapped up.
Source feat Candi Staton - You've Got The Love (Erens Bootleg mix)
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
I'm loaded with the cold and feeling sorry for myself. Still my performance review has been completed, don't need to try and get enthusiastic about that for another six months.
One thing that continually amazes me about northern soul music, is the sheer quality of the tracks that in general were largely ignored by the record buying public both here and in the States in the sixties and seventies. Was it due to the sheer volume of music produced that so many brilliant songs never got the airing and therefore were never heard of by the population. Or was it due to the ineptitude of the record pluggers and lack of promotional budgets for a lot of these small labels?
Neither of these situations can surely apply to You're Gonna Love My Baby as it was released on Motown in 1965 and must have had the backing of the label owner as he produced it. But bomb it did.
Barbara McNair - You're Gonna Love My Baby
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Flooers an' Fitba Taps
Last Friday night during the Raveonettes encores, they shouted for James to come up on stage and sing a song. I don't think many people had a clue wjho they were asking up onto the stage but up came James Allen from Glasvegas who sang Love Can Destroy not a particular favourite of mine but it sounded pretty good.
On the way home I wondered to myself why I haven't really played anything by Glasvegas for ages. It probably has something to do with the stushie after the first album when a lot of bloggers who had been very vociferous in their promotion of the band started to get cease and desist orders for posting demo versions of songs. But it also has a lot to do with the fact that I really couldn't get into the second album which disappointed me a lot as I absolutely loved the first album and the Sane Man singles.
So when I got home I poured myself a rum and got the first couple of singles out and played them a few times over all four tracks as the b sides are equal to the a's and for me I think that Flowers and Football Tops is better than Daddy's Gone, not by much granted but for me it just edges it. I think that the way Allen dealt with the subject matter, that of the murder of Kriss Donald in 2004, writing the lyrics from the point of view of the boy's mother waiting for him to come home was increadibly empathetic and tugs at your heart.
Here is the original version of the track from that first Sane Man single.
Btw - James Allen up close still looks uncannily like Joe Strummer.
Glasvegas - Flowers And Football Tops
Monday, 3 December 2012
Another week of full on work looms and I also have the prospect of my end of year review to look forward to on Wednesday.
"Now tell me Drew, what have you done this year?"
"My work".
"Could you expand on that?"
I hate all this guff. I thought that the whole point of having management was to oversee what us plebs do, so why do I have to take 3 hours out to tell them?
Back to the music and another brilliant piece of soul from a guy called Dan Brantley. Apart from the fact that he released half a dozen singles between 1968 and 1970, I know nothing about him, which is a bit of a shame as anyone who produces a track as wonderful as Please Accept My Love deserves to be well known. This song has brightened up my mood more than once, so my thanks go out to Dan at least.
The track was released on the SIMS label in 1968 and is a vocal version of Soul Serenade.
Dan Brantley - Please Accept My Love
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