Thursday 12 April 2012

Father /Sculptor

Back in February I went to see a band I was really looking forward to hearing, granted on the strength of a couple of singles but nevertheless I expected them to be very good. Turned out the two tracks I liked were their  two best tunes the rest being a bit, well innocuous or as Colin or Ctel would say, a bit meh.

First on the bill that night were a band that both JC and I thought stood out from the rest of the bill by a mile. and a couple of whom looked familiar to me. It turned out that the band Father/Sculptor contained members of another local band that I really liked when I saw them last year Johnny Reb.

A couple of nights ago I got an email from Philip the bass player informing me that their debut single is available for download as of Monday and very good it is too. I'm not going to say anymore give it a listen and see what you think.

1 comment:

Swiss Adam said...

It's good that is.