Thursday 20 July 2017

Life Just Bounces

Only a week to go until New Facts Emerge, the latest long player from the mighty Fall. I know Ctel, only eight days more to wait! I am hoping that the vocals are a bit clearer and actually contain some real, actual words, although judging on the evidence of recent gigs I wouldn't go putting any money on it. I yearn for the days of non-rhyming couplets like

"on tv today somebody claimed their dog
had been molested by a textile chemist

But life just bounces so don't you get worried at all
sometimes life just bounces so don't you get worried at all"

Lines from Life Just Bounces which was originally released on Cerebral Caustic. This version is the live one from the In The City cd. Apparently the tune was inspired by Elton John and Kiki Dee's Don't Go Breaking My Heart, which must be true as MES said so in an interview in the Melody Maker,

The Fall - Life Just Bounces (In The City)


The Swede said...

Love 'Life Just Bounces', but don't know this version. Thanks for putting it up.

Swiss Adam said...

Yes, I love this one too.

George said...

It would be very interesting to hear one of those mash-up thingies of Life Just Bounces and Don't Go Breaking My Heart.

Anonymous said...

I A M. S O. E X C I T E D

dee_seejay said...

Regardless of MES - on top form here - the playing here just pummels the listener into submission. Such a powerful band. Amazing stuff, cheers....oh, and you'll have heard the new LP by now? Thoughts? I like it very much indeed :)